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Fantasy rock-opera «Road Without Return» by sympho-rock group «ESSE» by Andrzej Sapkowski’s Wiedzmin. English translate 4-th scene of Rock-Musikal. «Geralt»



Born in the twilight of a wayside tavern
At a crossing of gone ways
In an hopeless attempt to live in the world
Was left on the cloister doorstep.


The boy grew there learning a fight science
And learnt to know monstrosities on their spoors,
Changing the body by procession of mutations
Escaped death despite his enemies.


Witcher’s laws absorbed down to the ground,
The two-hand sword shines this post by silver.
The world is a battle field of chaos with order,
The monstrosity with the mutant-witcher.


The magic and the years of training are secreted
In the strokes of the ruthless sword,
Brooksа will check the force and craft
As long as burns the last candle.


To kill the monstrosity for piecework pay,
It’s my job, what can I say?
Stepping once on the road without return,
I must get over it till the end.


The witcher mustn’t be the fighter for the truth.
The witcher mustn’t be the fighter for the truth.
The witcher mustn’t be the fighter for the truth.
Don’t think but only sharpen your true sword
And when it’s paid stroke.


The enemies’ cemetery becomes wider,
The scars on the breast become more deeply,
I scream to phantoms at night,


But there is no answer.


Despising a ruin of basis
To see a goal at the end of the way,
There is nothing to do for me but to go


By the road of the light.


By a poisoned arrow my destination
Left an imprint


Left an imprint


The sword-blades are reveled in blood,
The glasses with poison are empty in the witcher’s hand.


In the witcher’s hand


The attempts to elude a destiny led only to death
Those who are near and dear for me.
All roads are opened in the endless world
But not to you.


But not to me.


Far back in the past the suddenness right
Led to me the kings’ child.
The Cintra lion on the yellow flag became bloody
And I jumped into the crucible after her.


You found the unfortunate child of elder blood
In the elders’ family in the captured country,
Carried her to the single vale
Trusting the live to the appointed destiny.


What could I teach the girl?
I can only brandish a sword myself
Gave her a sword I showed her stands,
Strokes, blocks, thin edge running,
To bear a stroke not move a shoulder,
To be herself a judge and a heading.


It may believe or not believe in destination
But it changes nothing.
Unbelief hasn’t a force, it needs to believe,
Neutrality is only a paradise for scoundrels.


The destination sword has two edges,
A sword is a two-edged tool.
The one edge – it’s me myself and all of my doubts,
Dead fosters me with the second edge.


In the midst of war and contempt flame
In the forgotten by everybody witchers’ castle
The magic-gift awoke in the swallow.
The witcher will can’t replace by himself the wizards’ work.


The enemies’ cemetery becomes wider,
The scars on the breast become more deeply,
I scream phantoms at night,


But there is no answer.


Despising a ruin of basis
To see a goal at the end of the way,
There is nothing to do for me but to go


By the road of the light.


I don’t know you, who are you? Go along with you from child’s dream!
The serf!


You are stupid such as all other
Va’esse deireadh aep (Contempt time, come again)


I stand up for she, Ciri will replace a doter for me!


An elf’s blood boils in tendons?
Ciri is a carrier of the «Hen Ichaer»! (elder blood gene)


I see, you decided to become a lord of time.


That Corn doesn’t grow, Deithwen (flame) will flare with fire.


Chaos forces its way through screen, you are only a slave in its hand.


You are feeble, dead –Zirael caen me a’baeth arse. (the swallow can do everything)


You will not get the child. I will not give her to you!


You’ll bring yourself her to me in a contempt dark.
You’ll bring her to me…


She is a source no more and no less.
A magic-gift will drive her crazy.
The witcher is forceless to get through problem,
I’ll help her and I’m not along.
The witcher is forceless to get through problem,
I’ll help her and I’m not along.


There is an enchanter school in Tanned,
I’ll learn there and friends with me.


On swallow’s wings Elaine tedd a’taeghane. (Fly on swallow’s wings)
Va’esse deireadh аер esse eigean. (Thus the end time comes again)


I’m not afraid, I’m a witch and I’ll can all.


You are you, a proud girl,
Let’s go with me to help the witcher.

Translated by Ksenija Bobrysheva mailto: FlugZug@yandex.ru

Англоязычный перевод текста либретто 4-й сцены фэнтези рок мюзикла «Дорога без возврата» — композиции «Геральт».
Рок опера «Дорога без возврата» создана симфо-рок группой ESSE (г. Ростов-на Дону) по мотивам саги Анджея Сапковского «Ведьмак». Автор исходного текста композиции — Евгений Пронин. Перевод либретто на английский язык осуществлен Ксенией Бобрышевой FlugZug@yandex.ru.

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Это официальный сайт симфо-рок группы "ESSE" из г.Ростов-на-Дону, и фэнтези рок-оперы "Дорога без возврата" , написанной по мотивам саги "Анджея Сапковского "Ведьмак" . Вы любите живую музыку, и читаете фэнтези - тогда вам сюда. На нашем сайте вы сможете прочесть полное либретто рок-оперы, и послушать демо-версии композиций в разделе "наша музыка". В разделе "Видео" можно просмотреть видео с концертов, и сюжеты снятые и показанные в эфире телеканалами. Только здесь - всегда самая полная и достоверная информация и новости о группе "ESSE" и фэнтези рок-мюзикле "Дорога без возврата". На нашем форуме можно пообщаться с музыкантами группы ЭССЕ и обсудить наше творчество.
«ESSE» на музыкальных сервисах
Трейлер рок-оперы "Дорога без возврата"
Цитата из творчества группы
Счёт оплачен: бездетность за власть и красу
Жизнь проходит, а после прыжок в пустоту
Недоступное счастье в горячих сердцах ,
Расплывается в бывшей горбуньи глазах.
Отвернись и забудь, победи в себе страх.
Ничего нет страшней чародейки в слезах.

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